SMT (Social Media Tracking)

Social Media Tracking
Social sites and applications have become an integral part of our society. The number of people using Social Media is ever increasing. Social Media has a huge impact on today’s society. Majority of the users trust and believe the information shared on these platforms. Due to the impact and reach of Social Media it also becomes a platform for illicit, criminal, anti-social, terrorist activities. SMT can help to track such activities that take place on Social Media. Tracking and seizing such activities at an early stage might avoid scenarios taking place in the real world.
Anti-Social activities (Riots, Protests, etc.) might be planned on Social Media groups, which eventually may result into a disorderly scenario in the real world. SMT helps the department to keep a track on such activities and restrict them before taking place. SMT is specifically designed for the Police Department, IT cells & Intelligence Department of the Government.
Monitoring – Information produced through region-wise monitoring using Key-word search.
Tracking – Profile, Location, Hosted Server and IP details generated for the traced activity36.93